You see a house but you don’t know whether to bother. You like the looks of it, but wonder if it’s too expensive or large enough. Get instant answers about key details you want to know. We’ll tell you the price how many bedrooms, interior and exterior features. Using 704-367-4444 Mobile MLS is simple and provided exclusively by RE/MAX Executive Realty in Charlotte, NC.
Any cell phone works. You don’t need a smartphone, PDA, or web-capable phone.
Enter a street number (example – if the home is on 1322 Elm St., enter 1322) or the property’s MLS number.
This includes price, square footage, realtor comments, property features, school info, and anything else you would find online search the MLS database.
If you like what you hear about the property, you can have all the info sent to your email inbox. You can even have pictures of the home sent as a pic message to your cell phone.